July 10, 2008
Gearing up for summer!
This past weekend, we held the final classes of our 2007-2008 term and marked the occasion with low-key celebrations in each class. We'll be seeing →
December 13, 2007
Show and Tell
In our never-ending quest to give our students more opportunities to speak at length, we've begun inviting them to bring items to class that they'd like →
October 9, 2007
Balloon time! (class features series)
Above: DaisyL reading her copy of The Movie Star Mystery (a children's reader based on the Nancy Drew feature film that hit US theatres this past June) →
August 4, 2007
Invasion of the balloonheads
Writing one's dictation on an air-filled balloon can be a lot more fun and engaging than scratching it out onto a piece of lined paper.
Here, Daisy →
June 28, 2007
Student of the Month (June 2007): Daisy
Confident and assertive, Daisy never shrinks from an in-class challenge. She's almost always among the first to volunteer an answer or to offer advice →
February 28, 2007
Welcome Daisy!~
Here's Daisy, an enthusiastic new addition to our P2 class, writing sentences using the simple past tense, along with Debbie, Edy, and Kevin. →
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