Above: K3 students Alvin, at left, and Henry, at right, gingerly prepare to pop a balloon containing a question on games day, the last class of the 2006-2007 year.

Above: P1 class end-of-year photo with everyone holding their achievement certificates. Rear row (from left): Ethan and Chloe. Front row (from left): Charlotte, Justin, and Dylan. Not pictured: Claire (absent).

Above: P2 class end-of-year photo with everyone holding their achievement certificates. Rear row (from left): Daisy, Debbie, and Matthew. Front row (from left): Kevin, Lorett, and Cecilia.

Above: P3 class end-of-year photo with Lillian (at left) and Charis (at right) holding their achievement certificates.

Above: P4 class end-of-year photo with Vivien(at left) and Emily (at right) holding their achievement certificates.

Above: P5 class end-of-year photo with everyone holding their achievement certificates. From left: Thomas, Jacky, and Terence.
The 2006-2007 year has been amazing. All of our students, particularly those that started early, have made significant progress in advancing their English language skills. That’s the most rewarding aspect of working with youths – watching them grow and develop into wonderful young adults.
The hardest part of teaching is saying goodbye to one’s students, even if we know that we’ll be seeing them again shortly. In that regard, we’re quite fortunate as almost all of our students’ parents have elected to continue on for our Summer Fun/Little Writers course and we’re already seeing them again. Most of the rest will be back in September. To those children, we say: Have a Great Summer!
Our summer classes are in full swing, so look for more updates soon!