Celebrities, Interviewers, and Assistants (Reported Speech)

Left to Right: GraceW, CeciliaC, and LorettT acting out their roles as, respectively, an assistant, a celebrity, and an interviewer.

Most of use reported speech (i.e. “He/She/They said that…”) every day without a moment’s thought. This past weekend, we divided our P3 and P4 classes into groups of three each and asked our students to adopt the roles of celebrities, reporters tasked with interviewing them, and assistants whose job it was to repeat the answers given by the stars to the interviewers using reported speech. Roles were rotated so that each student had an opportunity to flex their reported speech muscles.

Above (left to right): GraceW, CeciliaC, and LorettT acting out their roles as, respectively, an assistant, a celebrity, and an interviewer.

Left to Right: ChloeP listening to KevinM (off-screen at right) report DiasyL's answers to her questions.

Above (left to right): ChloeP listening to KevinM (off-screen at far right) report DiasyL’s answers to her questions.