February 14, 2011

This must be the place!

In the photo above, you can see RachelL proudly holding all three volumes of the Fog Mound trilogy, a series of graphic novels that chronicle the exciting
August 2, 2010

Little Nicholas (Le Petit Nicolas)

Above, you can see CharlotteY reading her copy of Nicholas on Vacation, an amusing and delightfully subversive book that has managed to elicit loud
June 24, 2010

Secret Father’s Day messages

In our Intermediate English Fun class, we've been reading one of Michele Torrey's excellent Doyle & Fossey: Science Detectives books, The Case
October 3, 2009

Bologna isn’t so bad!

We're reading The Curse of the Bologna Sandwich (a Melvin Beederman, Superhero book). All superheroes have weaknesses (think Superman and kryptonite)
June 21, 2009

Meet Russell

We've just begun reading Spirit of Adventure, a Stepping Stone movie tie-in storybook released in support of the new Pixar/Disney collabo, Up, an animated