October 17, 2007
Quiz Time! (class features series)
At Accella, every class begins with a brief quiz that covers the grammar and vocabulary introduced in the previous lesson.
Here's a snapshot Sunday →
October 9, 2007
Grammar (class features series)
Above: BryanF and CharlotteY sorting countable and uncountable nouns during a hands-on grammar activity in one of our P2 classes.
Grammar tends →
June 28, 2007
Student of the Month (June 2007): Daisy
Confident and assertive, Daisy never shrinks from an in-class challenge. She's almost always among the first to volunteer an answer or to offer advice →
June 6, 2007
Debbie’s scored a hat-trick!
Debbie's won the highest score for three lessons in a row. In American sports parlance, when you succeed at anything on three consecutive attempts, →
April 26, 2007
Student of the Month (April 2007): Kevin
Kevin is the youngest student in our Saturday P2 class but he's one of the most capable and so active that he tends to rake in the points. Here (above) →
April 8, 2007
Welcome Matthew !!!
Matthew joined us in March but is so full of energy that this is the first clear photo of him that we've been able to take. He always completes his →
February 28, 2007
Welcome Daisy!~
Here's Daisy, an enthusiastic new addition to our P2 class, writing sentences using the simple past tense, along with Debbie, Edy, and Kevin. →
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