August 2, 2010
Little Nicholas (Le Petit Nicolas)
Above, you can see CharlotteY reading her copy of Nicholas on Vacation, an amusing and delightfully subversive book that has managed to elicit loud →
October 22, 2008
Flashcards FTW!
Above: CharlotteY holding the flashcards that helped her to score big on the last quiz - which, in turn, propelled her to victory in the points tally.
We →
October 9, 2007
Grammar (class features series)
Above: BryanF and CharlotteY sorting countable and uncountable nouns during a hands-on grammar activity in one of our P2 classes.
Grammar tends →
September 5, 2007
Summer ends, Autumn begins
Our summer classes concluded on August twenty-fourth and we've already begun our fall term (note to parents: we're still accepting P1 students and we have →
September 5, 2007
Little Writers’ hard work pays off
Above: Students in one of our Little Writers classes hard at work on pages for their storybooks.
We were pleased that the majority of the students →
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