July 3, 2010
Work hard, play hard!
In each of our classes, for the last lesson of the year before the commencement of our Summer Fun 2010 program, we took a bit of time to celebrate →
October 3, 2009
Bologna isn’t so bad!
We're reading The Curse of the Bologna Sandwich (a Melvin Beederman, Superhero book). All superheroes have weaknesses (think Superman and kryptonite) →
November 17, 2008
Two David Almond books make their debuts
Above: CeciliaC perusing her copy of My Dad's a Birdman. Below: SophieL checking out The Savage.
Both books are excellent new works by critically →
July 10, 2008
Gearing up for summer!
This past weekend, we held the final classes of our 2007-2008 term and marked the occasion with low-key celebrations in each class. We'll be seeing →
September 5, 2007
Little Writers’ hard work pays off
Above: Students in one of our Little Writers classes hard at work on pages for their storybooks.
We were pleased that the majority of the students →
August 11, 2007
Who let the monsters out?
Above, you can see three students from our Summer Fun class showing off the masks that they had made for an activity in support of a procedural writing →
August 4, 2007
To the whiteboard!
Above, you can see the students of one of our P3-P4 summer classes standing proudly in front of their reading comprehension answers.
Naturally, →
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