On August 30th, just a few short weeks from now, Accella will begin hosting its first classes of the 2014-2015 academic year. We’ve nearly finished designing our students’ reading lists and are firming up the course meeting times. Continuing students will retain most of the places in our existing classes, but there are a small number of seats available in some groups and we have created new classes for younger children.
The sort of child who benefits most from the learning experiences that we at Accella provide is an insatiable questioner and hard worker. High intelligence is all well and good but we have observed that curiosity and diligence tend to give a young person a considerable edge over indifferent peers who may possess greater raw intellectual horsepower. This has been corroborated by studies done, for example, by a trio of European researchers who wrote up their results in a paper titled The Hungry Mind: Intellectual Curiosity Is the Third Pillar of Academic Performance.
We continue to accept applications on a rolling basis but now is the time to contact us to reserve an application packet if you’re interested in having your child join us starting from the beginning of the new semester.
In the photo at the top of this post, you can see Alice C., one of our newest students, holding a DVD that she earned while working with us this summer.