Above, you can see OliverH enjoying the flavorful crunch of his poppadom. We’ve been reading Grk Smells a Rat in some of our classes and had reached a passage where poppadoms, or at least hopes that someone is about to deliver poppadoms, play a pivotal role.
This volume is one of a series chronicling the adventures of a boy named Tim and a dog named Grk. In Grk Smells a Rat, Tim and Grk are in India with their parents and a couple of other children, one of whom is competing in an international children’s tennis championship. One thing leads to another and Tim and Grk end up taking down a gang of child traffickers.
Poppadoms come into the picture when a clever young man named Krishnan, hoping to enlist Tim’s help in freeing himself and his sister from slavery, sneaks into Tim’s hotel and pretends to be a steward delivering room service in order to trick Tim into opening the door to his suite and letting him inside. Krishnan doesn’t specify the food that he’s supposedly brought from the hotel kitchen but Tim’s thoughts run wild and he practically salivates at the thought of chicken korma and poppadoms.

Poppadoms certainly turned out to be quite popular with our students!