Thank you, 2008-2009 students! Congratulations, valedictorians!

After averaging all of our students’ 2008-2009 term quiz, homework, and in-class participation scores together, we identified the student in each class who had, overall, made the greatest strides.

Congratulations to our 2008-2009 class valedictorians!

We’d like to thank all of our students for their hard work over the past year. The remainder of this post is intended for them and also their parents.

We ask a lot of you guys. Every week, we pile on grammar homework assignments, readings, comprehension questions, and lists of vocabulary words whose spellings and meanings have to be committed to memory. Often, the work that you do with us is significantly more challenging than your school English coursework. We greatly enjoy teaching and strive to foster a fun in-class experience for our students but the amount of effort required of you is, as they say, no laughing matter.

Again, thank you.